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30-Year-Old Son Won’t Get A Job
In ever-increasing numbers, older children are staying at home with their parents or are moving back home after struggling to stay afloat on their own….
My Husband Thinks his Daughter is Perfect
There can be times where parents favor their children more than a normal amount. This is especially common when it involves stepchildren. Many mothers out…
Should I Let My 17-Year-Old Smoke Weed?
If you have a suspicion that your 17-year-old is smoking weed, you have a touchy situation on your hands. You don’t want to make your…
11-Year-old Eats Boogers
Children often have some nasty habits. As parents, we try to teach them that some things are not socially acceptable. Usually, they get the message…
My Husband Puts His Child Before Me
So you feel like your husband puts his child before you. This can hurt because it may feel like you are not the most important…
6-Year-Old Watching Inappropriate Videos
It is an unfortunate moment when you catch your 6-year-old watching inappropriate videos. One that makes you feel like your child’s innocence has been stolen….
Is 19 Too Old To Live With Your Parents
Is being 19 too old to live with your parents? This is a question that comes up a lot in many discussions. Once you become…
How To Get Your Stepdaughter To Respect You
Children are expected to respect their parents, but in a newly blended family, this feeling can sometimes get lost in the translation. While the instinct…
My Daughter Has Internet Friends and It’s Terrifying
I couldn’t believe we were here. How did we go from pigtails and coloring with Mommy and Daddy to confiscating phones and my daughter having…
11-Year-Old Wearing Diapers – Help!
Potty training normally occurs between the ages of eighteen and thirty-six months with most children being able to stay fully dry throughout the night by…
How To Start Montessori At Home With Stepchild
What is Montessori and How You can Easily Implement it at Home With Your Stepchild Montessori is a method of education created by Italian physician…
My 18-year-old Wants to Move Out
There comes a time in someone’s life where they are ready to take responsibility for themselves and go out into the world. If your 18-year-old…
Should I Let My Child Quit Violin
There is something so exciting about trying new things! However, this blissful time can often come to a screeching halt, particularly when we are not…
My Son Is Dating an Older Man
If your son is dating an older man, there’s a lot to unpack, both emotionally and mentally. It’s my hope that you’ve accepted his romantic…
My 20-Year-Old Daughter is Disrespectful
You feel as though your 20-year-old daughter is disrespecting you. This can be a difficult thing to deal with. We do so much for our…
Found Inappropriate Texts on Sons Phone
Many parents all over the world have found inappropriate texts on sons phone. This can be alarming at first and might come as a shock…
Nice Things To Say To Your Grown Son
You want to be able to express your love for your adult son and let him know how proud he makes you. Sometimes, finding the…
How to Spend More Time with my Adopted Son
Adoption is a very complicated emotional rollercoaster. A child moving in with a new family can be a hard thing for both the child and…
My 13-Year-Old Son Has A Girlfriend – Help!
Ah, young love. It’s a beautiful thing…until it isn’t. If your 13-year-old son currently has a girlfriend, it’s time to get as many details as…
My Son Has a Controlling Girlfriend
When you notice your son has a controlling girlfriend, it can be quite concerning. In their defense, we all know what it’s like to be…
How Do I Protect My Child From Bad Influence
Many parents wonder “How do I protect my child from bad influence?” It can be truly worrisome to think about who and what your child…
9 Ways To Tell Your Daughter That You Are Proud Of Her
As parents, we always want to encourage our kids to be better. Stereotypically, most parents give praise when a big accomplishment occurs like a good…
My Teenage Stepson Is Ruining My Marriage
The scene is all too familiar at this point. Your teenage stepson just stormed up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door for the one-thousandth…
Should I let my 20-year-old Daughter stay at her Boyfriend’s?
Many parents have had the question “should I let my 20-year-old daughter stay at her boyfriend’s? This is a difficult decision that many parents have…
Grandma Will Not Acknowledge Step-GrandChildren
Grandparents have a vital role to play in the lives of their grandchildren. You want them to have a strong connection, a wonderful collection of…
My Daughter is Flirting With my Husband
It can be startling when you witness your daughter flirting with your husband. Chances are this is her stepfather and not her biological father. Before…
How Should I Deal With Older Kids (5-10) Who Throw Temper Tantrums?
As parents, it is important to know how to spot a temper tantrum in a child and evaluate the correct course of action. Many parents…
What If I Don’t Love My Child
If you are looking for judgment because you don’t love your child, you won’t find it here. I have a few things to share with…
A Sample Post with Comments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis…
Babies Watching TV at 3 Months
Babies Watching Tv at 3 months is a widely debated topic in parenting circles. The first few months when the baby has arrived tend to…
My Daughter Doesn’t Want to See Me Anymore
“My daughter doesn’t want to see me anymore” – An expression that no parent ever wants to say but sadly, it’s said by many around…
Child Disrespectful to Babysitter – Help!
Are you finding that your child is being disrespectful to their babysitter? This can be surprising for many parents, especially when this kind of behavior…
My 18 Year-Old is Driving Me Crazy
Many parents find it hard to deal with their newly adult 18-year-olds. 18-year-olds are smack in the middle of being a child and being a…
Child Is Awkward Around Family
Poor social skills in young children can often be played off by parents as “going through a phase”, but when it doesn’t improve over time…
My Wife Left Me For A Younger Man
Separation from a loved one can be one of the worst feelings ever. The person who you love is no longer by your side. It…
My Teenage Daughter Hates Me But Loves Her Dad – Help!
It can be painful to be in a situation where your teenage daughter hates you but loves her dad. Depending on your situation, it can…
Can A 3-Year-Old Play Outside Alone?
Just a couple of decades ago, it was common to see children of all ages playing outside unsupervised from dawn to dusk. It was completely…
20-Year-Old Dropped Out of College
Wanting the best for your children and their future is natural. Hearing that your 20-year-old dropped out of college can knock the wind out of…
The Mother Of My Child Has Moved On
Separation and divorce are already difficult hurdles to handle. However, navigating the moment when the mother of your child has moved on with someone else…
Should I Let My Daughter Wear A Thong Bathing Suit?
As our kids get older they might try to push the limits with their fashion choices. It can be difficult to decide what’s appropriate for…
Why is Living with your Parents Bad
Many people ask the question “Why is living with your parents bad”? The answer to that stems from many different factors but it mostly has…
Do you Dislike Your Teenage Daughter?
So you dislike your teenage daughter. The good news is, you’re not alone. More people than you think dislike their teenagers. Why? Teenage girls can…
Husband Always Defends His Son – Help!
Being a stepparent is a challenging role to step into on its own. It’s even harder when your husband always defends his son every time…
Why Is My 23-Year-Old Son So Angry? – Help!
The teenage years get a lot of attention for being a difficult time in our children’s lives. What many fail to mention is that young…
Blending Families With An Only Child
In Harper Lee’s award-winning novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch states “’You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family”. While…
What To Do When You Can’t Stand Your Stepdaughter
When you fall in love with someone that has children be prepared for a roller coaster ride of emotions. Relationships with stepchildren can be complicated…
My 11-Year-Old Still Believes in The Tooth Fairy
A parent came up to me concerned saying “my 11-year-old still believes in the tooth fairy”. Many parents have used the tooth fairy as a…
Why Do My Parents Hate Me But Love My Siblings?
It can be difficult to handle when you feel like your siblings get all the attention. You’re left wondering why you take all the criticism…
15-year-old Still Sleeps With Parents
So your 15-year-old still sleeps with their parents. Is this healthy? Is it normal? You are bound to be full of questions. It is not…
Should I Let My Child Listen To Rap Music?
At some point, every parent has to decide what type of music their child is allowed to listen to. If you’ve ever listened to rap…
What Should a 19 year Old Be Doing With Their Life
19-years-old is not an easy time to be alive. The world is expecting you to get your life together but the reality is most 19-year-olds…
Should You let Your 15-year-old Son Sleep With His Girlfriend
First, I’m going to establish some basics. When asking should you let your 15-year-old son sleep with his girlfriend, we are talking about sex. No…
I Don’t Want To Be A Stepparent
Dating as an adult can be really tricky. Everyone has their own lives and responsibilities- whether that’s a job, school, or a family. The responsibilities…
Child Development In A Blended Family
There are many aspects of development that parents must consider when co-parenting within a blended family. This is the nature versus nurture argument, and both…
I Don’t Want My Step-Son to Live With Us
Becoming a new step-parent can be difficult, particularly if you don’t know the child well. It can be overwhelming at first, when you have just…
Living With Grown Stepchildren
Living with grown stepchildren can be a very stressful situation to handle. Sometimes stepchildren can become indifferent or simply embrace the fact that their parents…
Is It Normal For A 10-Year-Old To Hump
If you’ve seen your ten-year-old humping things, you were probably horrified at the moment, but hopefully, upon reflection, you realized that this is perfectly normal…
Games to Teach Colors to Preschoolers
There are many games that teach colors to preschoolers that are fun and educational. As kids are growing up, many basic information needs to be…
Is It Normal to Resent My Stepchildren?
Parenting a blended family is not easy. Parenting your own children is already difficult, parenting someone else’s children is even more difficult. Also, many don’t…
How to Get a Newborn to Sleep
If you are a parent of a newborn, chances are you are struggling to get your newborn to sleep. But there are some effective methods,…
How Do I Keep My Word As A Stepparent
The dynamics of being a step-parent often feel rather precarious. You’re a parent, but you’re not “the” parent. One of the big hurdles that many…
My Daughter Is Dating A Felon
Did you know that there are an estimated 52 million felons in the United States as of 2020? That is 15% of the population! While…
Creative Preschool Arts And Crafts
Sensory play is a spectacular tool to not only engage your child’s senses but allow them to learn along the way! This is exceptionally important…
My Son is Dating a Gold Digger…Help!
It can be quite concerning when you think your son is dating a gold digger. Identifying women that are after money is getting harder and…
My Son’s Girlfriend Broke his Heart
Heartbreaks can be one of the worst feelings ever. All of us have felt it at some point in our lives and it is especially…
When Stepparents Get Too Involved
If you or your ex-partner have gotten remarried, there may be stepparents involved in your child’s life. Unfortunately, many problems can arise when stepparents get…
Creative Punishments for High School Students
Sometimes the same old punishments can get become less effective than they used to be. For that reason, we need to come up with creative…
He Has A Child But Doesn’t Want Any More – Help!
Becoming a parent is a colossal decision. It is choosing to put yourself second for the foreseeable future. Many people realize this after the first…
Is Your Stepdaughter Sabotaging Your Marriage?
Marrying into a pre-established family unit can be one of the most challenging transitions you ever undergo. What is supposed to be the happiest time…
My Son Only Contacts Me When He Wants Something
Whoever says that parenting ends at age 18 is undeniably wrong. It’s a lifelong bond that ebbs and flows just like any other relationship. There’s…
Style Guide
Heading One H1 Heading Two H2 Heading Three H3 Heading Four H4 Heading Five H5 Heading Six H6 Font: Playfair Playfair is a transitional design….
Mommy and Me Workouts for Toddler
One of the most important things that need to be done in life is to exercise. It has many great benefits to it and will…
How To Deal With A Stepchild Who Is Annoying
Every parent has been there. As children grow and develop, the “why” becomes an incessant mantra that makes you wish you had a fully remote-controlled…
Child Doesn’t Like Private School
We all want to give our sons/daughters the best education possible, but what if your child doesn’t like private school? You need to create a…
How much Time Should my Teenage Daughter Spend with her Boyfriend
How much Time Should my Teenage Daughter Spend with her Boyfriend? That is a very common question that many parents have when their daughter finally…
Aside for Widgets
Sidebar Widgets are a main feature of any Magazine Blogging site. To aid with that Dispatch uses a nifty little plugin and a couple of…
House Rules For 19 year Old
If you have an adult child living at home, you might be wondering what types of rules to set for them. It might be difficult…
Middle of the Night Uncontrollable Tantrums 2-year-old
Being parents of a newborn can sometimes become hectic. One of the worst things to experience as a new parent is the middle of the…
Can I Teach My 13-Year-Old to Drive?
It’s tempting to want to teach your children to drive young. They are likely very excited about learning to drive and are asking you non…
Contract for College Student Living at Home
If your college student is living at home, they need to start pulling their own weight. If they are to be ready for the real…
College Dropout Living With Parents – HELP!
Lots of young adults don’t make it through college or will take a break before they decide to go back and finish obtaining their degrees….
Consequences for Students Who Don’t Do Homework
Many parents wonder what are some consequences for students who don’t do homework. It can be a challenge to get your students to do their…
Is It Normal For My Teen To Still Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
We all had our stuffie or blankie growing up. It provided comfort and eased us to sleep each night. The majority if people grow out…
Chores For Adults Living At Home
Young adults of the 21st Century are being deemed as the Boomerang Generation. In fact, a recent study of college seniors found that “85% [of…
I Love My Girlfriend But I Don’t Like Her Kid
Every single person in this world is different in one way or another. That is what makes individuals so unique! However, these variances can cause…
Why Would A Man Get A Woman Pregnant On Purpose?
Bringing a new life into the world should be a harmonious decision between two people. This little being is a symbol of purity and innocence….
Should I let my Son have his Girlfriend in his Room?
Many parents have asked the question “Should I let my Son have his Girlfriend in his Room?” Relationships are one of the greatest blessings someone…
9-Year-Old Still Believes in the Tooth Fairy
Okay, so your 9-year-old still believes in the tooth fairy. The good news is, it’s not necessarily a harmful situation. Very few children are scarred…
My Boyfriend Gets Annoyed With My Son
A common phrase that is said in many blended families is “my boyfriend gets annoyed with my son.” It can be a hard thing to…
How To Deal With Ungrateful Stepchildren
Many parents wonder how to deal with ungrateful stepchildren. When you are giving it your all and it seems like they are just dissatisfied no…
I Can’t Accept My Partner’s Child
Finding true love is a monumental task. It is hard enough to find your perfect person, but having to fall in love with an entire…
Bringing Son’s Girlfriend On Vacation
Summer vacations are a great escape from the stresses of the world, but what do you do if your son asks you if he can…
How to Tell if You Have a Gifted Preschooler
As children grow they start to show interest in various activities that stand out and can’t be ignored. We can not help but wonder whether…
Work Ethics for Seniors in High School
When it comes to the work ethics for seniors in high school, it can tend to be underachieving and that is typical because it is…
17-year-old Son Very Distant
Throughout your child’s developmental years, you have had no problem with communicating with your son. It feels like just yesterday when you would pick him…
Should You Let Your 18-Year-Old Daughter’s Boyfriend Sleepover?
Whether or not to allow your 18-year-old daughter’s boyfriend to sleepover is a tricky question many parents run into. As your daughter goes from a…
Teaching Kindergartners About Money
Teaching Kindergartners about money at a young age is essential. Doing this as early as possible ensures that they will be great money managers. Most…
Free Online Parenting Classes for New Parents
Parenting is hard. We need all the help we can get. For some of us new parents out there a parenting class could really help…
Creative Punishments for Talking Back
If your kid is talking back, the heat of the moment can make you snap, resulting in a whole lot of things you wish you…
Summer Activities for Tweens At Home Alone
Leaving a tween at home alone can be concerning. We want to be sure to keep them entertained and out of trouble. During the summer…
My Boyfriend’s Son Is Ruining Our Relationship
Respect and trust are feelings that take time and patience to grow. This is exceptionally true with a significant other’s child. However, if a valiant…
Why is My Son in the Bathroom For A Long Time?
Are you noticing some strange behavior from your son? Maybe he’s locking his bedroom door when he used to leave it wide open or staying…
5-year-old Wants To Control Everything
No one wants to feel powerless. In fact, this notion can be quite debilitating, causing emotions like fear and anger to bubble up. What is…
How To Stop Worrying About Your Grown Child
From the moment that tiny baby is placed in your arms, a piece of your heart is officially living outside of your body. There is…
My 19-year-old Son Doesn’t Want To Do Anything
Having a 19-year-old son that doesn’t want to do anything can be scary for any parent. Having a son in this phase can be a…
Why do Teenage Daughters Hate Their Mothers
A question that gets asked by many is “why do teenage daughters hate their mothers?” Teenage daughters hate their mothers because of the strained relationship…
I Regret Having My Children With Boyfriend
When you get in a relationship, things for the most part are adventures and love, date nights, and excitement. Everything is about spending time with…
At What Age Can a Child Dribble a Basketball
At What Age Can a Child Dribble a Basketball? That’s a question that many parents ask when they want their children to start playing the…
Mommy and Toddler Exercise Classes
A key part of having a well-balanced life is to exercise regularly. This is why mommy and toddler exercise classes are very important. Many people…
Middle School Weight Training Lesson Plans
We as parents want the best for our children when it comes to their future. A big part of that has to do with their…
Daughter Hates Father After Divorce
It is more common than you may believe that a daughter hates her father after the divorce. Divorce is hard on everyone involved, especially the…
15-Year-Old Son Has No Friends
So your 15-year-old son has no friends. The good news is, in most cases, this can be taken care of pretty quickly. The bad news…
A guide to styling and making Dispatch your own
Dispatch is a Magazine style blog for your new website. Each of its features have been designed and built using GeneratePress and WP Show Posts….
Why Do Sons Forget Their Mothers
Sons can forget their mothers for many reasons. Depending on the age of your son and what situation is going on in their life sometimes…
Should You Let Your 13-Year-Old Daughter Have a Boyfriend
Whenever our children start dating, it can be difficult. We always see them as our little babies before you know it, they are getting in…
Daughter Chooses Boyfriend Over Her Family
It can really hurt when your daughter prioritizes her boyfriend over her family. Sometimes it can feel like you are the one responsible for this…
Is It Wrong To Get A Divorce If My Partner Doesn’t Want A Child?
There are many disparities in a marriage that seem insurmountable but can often be fixed with honest communication. Sadly, child-rearing isn’t one of them. Is…
2-Year-Old Tantrums: How to Deal With Them?
Raising a toddler is never an easy thing to do. Sometimes you will feel like you are living with a tantrum landmine. That’s because your…
What Should Single Mothers Tell Their Children About Their Fathers?
The true answer to what should single mothers tell their children about their fathers is nothing. There is nothing we can say. It is never…
My Daughter Is Dating A Narcissist – HELP
Trying to help your daughter see the light when she is dating a narcissist may be difficult or nearly impossible. If you push too hard…
Creative Punishments for Teenagers
When it comes to disciplining the younger generation, there aren’t many creative punishments for teenagers out there that parents/guardians can do. Teenagers nowadays get into…
5 Reasons a Student is Rebellious in School
Raising children is a crazy, fun, and sometimes stressful journey. You get to watch them hit milestones, grow, and develop into their own person. Guiding…
Letter to My Stepdaughter Who Hates Me
Knowing what to say to a stepdaughter that doesn’t want anything to do with you is challenging. You feel hurt and concerned that she feels…
My Son Is Dating A Narcissist – Help!
Once your children begin dating, it opens a whole new world of possibilities. It brings in a new member to the family which can be…
Choosing Between Love And Kids
When you are choosing between love and kids, there are several factors to look for. This issue will require you to really think about the…
How to Get your Son to Break up with his Girlfriend
Relationships can either be a blessing or a toll. If you are in a situation where you are trying to find out how to get…
How To Know If Your Child’s Father Still Loves You
If you are wondering how to know if your child’s father still loves you, taking a few steps to findout can give you a clear…
How to change the Custom Colors
Changing Colors in Dispatch are mainly done via the Theme Customizer. Certain elements such as Page Heros are controlled within the Header Element and are…
What is a Good Curfew for a 19-year-old?
Many parents are stumped when it comes to curfews for their adult children that are still living at home. You may even wonder whether a…
My Grown Stepson Is Ruining My Marriage! – Help!
Forming a new family can be quite challenging. This is exceptionally true for the stepparent who is inadvertently filling another very important person’s shoes. While…
Teach a Toddler to Read: How To Guide
Figuring out how to teach a toddler to read is arguably one of the most important tasks of a parent. Statistics show time and time…
My Son is Dating An Alcoholic
What would you do if your child is dating an alcoholic? What should you do? There may be differences between us that make us seem…
Child Acting Out at School but not at Home
It’s so embarrassing being that parent who always gets called about your child misbehaving or throwing tantrums while the rest of the kids their age…
My Daughter is Dating a Married Man
If you have an adult daughter, and she’s dating a married man, you will need to understand that even though you are her parent, she…
How To Break Up With The Father Of Your Child
You built a life together and then you created one. It was a partnership that was meant to last forever. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always pan…
My 11-Year-Old Won’t Wear A Bra
Your daughter is experiencing a lot of new feelings and changes during adolescence. Her body is developing and she might not be too happy about…
Why Your Daughter is Distancing Herself From You
It can be a painful thing for a mother when her daughter is distancing herself from her. It is important to first find out why…
Blended Family Bonding Activities
If you are part of a blended family, doing activities together is very important. It is part of the bonding process that will bring your…
Cultural Diversity Lesson Plans for Kindergarten
There are many different cultures all over the world. Each one has their own beliefs, systems, food, and many more aspects. Knowing about the different…
Baby Potty Training – a Walk Through Guide
If you are a parent of a toddler, you must be looking for a convenient method to overcome the hassle associated with diapers. That’s where…
My Boyfriend Ignores Me When His Daughter is Around
So your boyfriend ignores you when his daughter is around. This can be very disheartening from someone you expect to put your first. But there…
Husband Doesn’t Want A Daughter
You are FINALLY having a baby! You and your husband have been dreaming about when this idea would become a reality, but that’s the problem….
Why Do I Want a Baby So Badly in my 20s?
There comes a time, in many people’s lives, when they begin striving for a new normal. They desperately want a change of any kind, which…
Does the Mother of My Child Still Love Me?
Raising children can strain a relationship due to factors such as lack of one on one time, high stress, or financial issues. From time to…
My Husband Lets Our Daughter Disrespect Me
More mothers than you may think are in this exact same situation. Unfortunately, some husbands let their children disrespect their mother. If that is the…
Art Activities for Infants 0-12 Months
Congratulations! Your little angel has arrived, and you cannot wait to discover the new horizon of parenthood with your angel. While the first couple of…
Should I let my daughter cut her own hair
Kids and teens go through different phases as they discover and grow into themselves. Think back to when you were young, you probably had interests…
How To Tell Your Son His Girlfriend is Not Right For Him
It can be difficult when our kids start to date, especially if you don’t like the person they’re spending so much time with. Parents are…
Can I Call The Police If My Child Is Stealing From Me
When you are upset and frustrated with your child’s dishonesty, you may be left asking yourself, “ Can I call the police if my child…
What Does it Mean When a Guy Says He Wants to Get You Pregnant?
“Now put your hands up, up in the club, we just broke up, I’m doing my own little thing,” you and your girls shout along…
17-year-old son Going off the Rails
There are man parents that have to deal with their 17-year-old son going off the rails. This can be a common issue because at that…
How to Stop Yelling at your Children
With all the work pressure and activities taking place in your day, dealing with kid’s bad behaviors feels more like an extreme sport. We all…
How Much Should I Pay my Parents for Rent
A common question that many people have is “How Much Should I Pay my Parents for Rent?” Many parents have set up a system where…
My Teenage Daughter Hates me but Loves her Dad
Many mothers out there sadly have to say “My Teenage Daughter Hates me but Loves her Dad” and it is unfortunate because as parents, we…
How to Deal with 14-year-old son’s Attitude
Many parents have wondered how to deal with a 14-year-olds son’s attitude which is not surprising since at that age, children tend to start misbehaving….
Daughter’s Boyfriend Not Good Enough
Many parents think that their daughter’s boyfriend is not good enough. This can be due to multiple reasons which will be covered below. But first,…
15-Year-Old Wants to Live With Non-Custodial Parent – Help!
So your 15-year-old wants to live with a non-custodial parent. The bad news is the road ahead is not going to be easy the good…
How to Teach a 6-Year Old Child to Read
Nowadays, teaching a 6-year old child to read books in an accurate way is easier than ever. Though the process of reading is a complex…
What To Do When He Says He Wants To Have A Baby With You
Whether you’ve thought about it or not, when a man says he wants to have a baby with you, it can catch you off guard….
Should I Let My Daughter Get A Belly Button Piercing
Piercings have always been a contested topic for parents, but the belly button seems to be a bit harder to accept than other body parts….
Roles and Responsibilities for a Mother and Father
When you become a parent, your whole life changes. You have an entire human being to take care of and it’s not just about you…
18-Year-Old Son Has No Motivation
In today’s time, motivation is hard to come by. Especially for younger generations, it can be hard to find something to get motivated about. Before…
My Teenage Son Comes Home Late
Raising teenagers today is different from what it has been in the past, but in many ways, the parent-teen relationship is very much the same….
Using WP Show Posts
Adding post lists and grids to your Site couldn’t be easier than with the WP Show Posts plugin. Dispatch uses the Free version to display…
Outdoor Activities for Preschoolers
There are many outdoor activities for preschoolers that can be fun, safe, and even educational. Depending on the preschooler, some activities are more suitable than…
Ex Husband’s Girlfriend Interfering With Child Custody
Co-Parenting with an ex can be difficult depending on how your relationship with the father of your child is and on what terms the relationship…
My 21-Year-Old Daughter Has Never Had a Boyfriend
As parents, it’s natural to care about our adult children’s happiness. It can be tough when you’re trying to figure out why your 21-year-old daughter…
My Stepdaughter’s Boyfriend Broke Her Heart
Ah, young love, the bane of parents around the world. Let’s be honest; teenagers are absolutely blind when it comes to love and relationships. They…
My 22-Year-Old Son Has No Direction
It can be very disheartening to see your 22-year-old son with no direction. We still want to help and protect them yet we want them…
I Like One Child More Than the Other – HELP!
Favoritism. While it is perfectly normal to favor certain colors, foods and animals, when it comes to your kids, this is a practice that needs…
Curfew For 21-Year-Old Living At Home
When your child becomes an adult, it changes the dynamics in the house. You may want to enforce rules for your 21-year-old child, but feel…
How Much Freedom Should a 17-year-Old Have
Freedom is something that everyone wants because we as humans want to make our own choices when it comes to the decisions we do. When…
My 19-year-old Daughter Is Pregnant – Help!
As parents, we want to see our children be in a stable relationship, have sufficient education, and income before they try to bring their own…
Should I Let My 18-Year-Old go on a Road Trip
Many parents have asked the question should I let my 18-year-old go on a road trip? The answer to that question varies on many different…
Page and Post Heroes
Page Heroes are those big bold images and headlines you find at the top of your posts and pages. They sit just below the Site…
13 Things Teenage Couples Fight About
Teenage couples fight, a lot. Mostly because they are still learning how to navigate the complicated workings of a relationship. Many of the things teenage…
Is it a Sin to Not Talk to Your Parents?
Family dynamics are challenging. Every family is unique, but very few families are problem-free. We are raised to believe we should love God, love our…
My Daughter Only Wants Me For Money
Having the feeling that “my daughter only wants me for money” is frustrating and disheartening. As parents, we want to feel loved by our children…
My 9-Year-Old Son Is Playing With Himself – Help!
If your 9-year-old son is playing with himself, it can be somewhat disconcerting. As a parent, it is hard to transition from having a young…
My Son Wants To Quit Football – Should I let Him?
When your child says they want to quit a sports commitment, you’re facing a complicated decision. When you have lots of money and month/years invested…
Does Your 13-Year-Old Son Not Want to do Anything?
Does your 13-year-old son not want to do anything? If this is the case, it can be pretty concerning as a parent. there are many…
How To Babysit An Annoying Child
Patience, strategy, and enthusiasm are the three pillars of effective childcare. For many individuals, these skills come naturally. However, for the person who is not…
How to Parent a Child that is Not Yours
Knowing how to parent a child that is not yours can be difficult at times. It may seem hard at first because they are not…
Family Don’t Bother With My Child
Family is forever. However, “a survey by sociologist Karl Pillemer revealed that about 25% of people live with some kind of family estrangement, and those…
Cutting a Child’s Hair Without Permission
Cutting a child’s hair without permission is okay as long as you are their parent. If it is another child, you will need to have…
Should You Make your Teenager Clean their Room
A question that arises many times from parents is should you make your teenager clean their room? It seems like it shouldn’t even be a…
My Boyfriend Wants A Baby Before Marriage
If your boyfriend wants a baby before marriage, it’s time for you to dive down deep and answer some questions as truthfully as possible. Taking…
What to do if you Catch your Child Touching Themselves?
You check on your child like any other day, and you catch your child touching themselves. What do you do? This isn’t something you were…
My Stepson Tells Lies About Me – Help!
Being a stepparent comes with its own set of challenges, even without the children making up stories. If your stepson is telling lies about you…
Being a Mom is Too Much for Me
Parenting is one of the hardest things to do when it comes to life. It can take a mental and physical toll on you as…
Best Children’s Teaching Clocks
Telling time is one of those cornerstone lessons we are responsible for teaching our children. What better way to do that than with a children’s…
When Your Partner and Child Don’t Get Along
When your partner and child don’t get along, it can be difficult to manage. You want them to develop a bond but sometimes people just…
How Much Rent Should You Charge Your 25-Year-Old Son?
Deciding how much rent you should charge your 25-year-old son can be difficult to decide. On one side, they are your son and you want…
I Don’t Want to Spend Time With My Stepchildren
It can be difficult to find common ground and form a healthy bond with someone else’s children. It can be even worse if the children…
5-year-old not Listening at School
School is designed to be a place of learning and getting knowledge but many times, kids hate it and don’t like being there. If you…
How Much Time Should a Teenager Spend With Friends
Many parents have asked the question “how much time should a teenager spend with friends?” The answer to that depends on many different factors that…
What To Do When Stepchild Lies About You
Stepchildren can be one of the best blessings you can have when it comes to parenthood. The new family member can bring in a different…
Should A 14-Year-Old Wear A Crop Top?
A question that many parents have is “should a 14-year-old wear a crop top? The parents of most young girls know that one day she…
Child Cries When Babysitter Arrives
Finding a good fit with a babysitter can be a struggle, especially if your child cries when the babysitter arrives. There could be a number…
How To Convince My Son To Get Married
So you want to convince your son to get married, but he doesn’t see eye-to-eye? One of the many things parents have to face is…
How To Deal With Entitled Stepchildren
It can be pretty challenging when you become a stepparent. When you fall in love with someone that already has children, you may have some…
My Boyfriend’s Grown Daughter is Manipulative
Unfortunately, you are in a situation where your boyfriend’s grown daughter is manipulative. This can be quite an issue for relationships. Harmony between you and…
My Daughter’s Boyfriend is Ruining our Relationship
“My daughter’s boyfriend is ruining our relationship”! This is a very common phrase that many parents sadly have to say. When you are in a…
My Son Is Dating a Non-Christian
When your son starts to date, it can be a scary feeling especially when he chooses someone that doesn’t share the same core beliefs as…
Should I Let My Daughter Dye Her Hair?
Dyeing your hair is a very modern, trendy thing to do in the fashion world. Many girls want to dye their hair to change their…
I Can’t Stand My Boyfriend’s Daughter
She is the apple of his eye and she likely has him wrapped around her little finger. The relationship between a dad and a daughter…
How Often Should I Let my Teenager Go Out
Parenting is not an easy job. It does not come with a handbook, although many of us wish it did. Being a parent often means…
Respect Activities for Kindergarteners
Respect is one of the most important lessons to teach our children. It is the one lesson that will last with them for the rest…
How To Convince 21-Year-Old Son To Stop Partying
Everyone loves to party. It’s a time when we can unwind, have fun, and socialize with others. While taking a step back to enjoy life…
3-Year-Old Humps To Fall Asleep
Self-discovery — It sounds like a refined and reflective time in one’s life where a person explores their inner feelings and emotions. Unfortunately, when it…
When your Child Betrays your Trust
Trust is a very big thing when it comes to family and relationships. When your child betrays your trust, it can feel bad as a…
How to Motivate a Lazy 20 Year Old
Knowing how to motivate a lazy 20 year old can be an easy process if the right steps are taken. Motivation is something that everyone…
My Son is Dating an Older Woman – What Do I Do?
When your son announces that he will be bringing home his girlfriend for the first time, the expectation is that you will be greeted by…
50 and Still Living with Parents
As we grow older, we get to a point where it is time to move out of our parent’s house and start a new life…
Why is Parenting So Hard For Me?
Parenting is hard. It really is. Especially if you are new to the parenting world, parenting can be very complicated and difficult. If you find…
How Much Freedom Should a 13-Year-Old Have?
Deciding how much freedom a 13-year-old should have is tricky. They have now entered their teenage years and want more freedom, but at the end…
My Parents are Divorced and I Don’t Want to see my Dad
Divorce is a very hard process to go through. It has been determined that 40 to 50% of couples end up divorcing. This can seem…
Letter To My Daughter Asking For Forgiveness
Here is a letter to my daughter asking for forgiveness. To my daughter, I’m sorry. I had my daughter at a young age. I was…
Discipline Practices in Different Cultures
Although this article is going to sound stereotypical, certain cultures are more likely to subscribe to different discipline practices. This is by no means a…
Contemplating Divorce Due to Stepchild – Help!
Is your stepchild ruining your marriage? Has it gotten to the point where you are contemplating divorce due to a stepchild? When you or your…
Should I let my 13-year-old daughter date
The dreaded day is here, and much sooner than you had planned for… your daughter is telling you she wants to date. As children become…
Are Crop Tops Appropriate For 10-Year-Olds
I’ve had countless parents ask me if crop tops are appropriate for their 10-year-old daughters. We don’t want our daughters to be ashamed of their…
21-Year-Old Daughter Dating An Older Man
So your 21-year-old daughter is dating an older man. For most parents, that typically is a point of concern. As a parent of a young…
Why Does My Baby Hump When She’s Tired?
I remember when my daughter was about 10 months old, I was watching her slowly drift into her sleep and thinking about how blessed I…
My Daughter Treats Me Like Dirt
One of the worst feelings in life is when your children decide to treat you in a way that is not pleasant. Many parents have…
At What Age Can You Tell If Your Child is Athletic
A question that lingers in the minds of many parents is, at what age can you tell if the child is athletic? If your child…
My Husband Made a Pass at My Daughter – HELP!
So your husband made a pass at your daughter. This can be a real concern if your daughter lives with you and your husband. First,…
Hooks – Custom Theme Elements
Dispatch uses a few Hook Elements and Block Elements to create some Custom Elements in the site.All of them provide dynamic output and should not…
What To Say When Your Parents Find Your Vape
Vaping is a hot topic in the news these days amongst researchers, scientists, educators, and politicians. The rise of teen vaping has been expediential is…
How To Write A Letter To My Daughter Who Hates Me
She is a piece of you. The love for a child is something that can never be explained. It is only something that you can…
Ways To Build Structure In A Blended Family
15 Easy Ways to Build Structure in a Blended Family Blended families are amazing, but it’s not always sunshine like the Brady Bunch. It takes…
The Argument Against Parenting Classes
The argument against parenting classes is actually quite easy to make. For the most part, parenting classes have been glorified by parents all around the…
8 Rules for 20-Year-Olds Living at Home
It’s important to have a clear set of rules for 20-year-olds living at home. You want to foster independence as you deal with your adult…
How to Deal With Hating Being a Parent
Do you hate your job? I’m not talking about your 9-5, I’m talking about your other job of being a parent. If you hate that…
Teaching Honesty to Elementary Students
I think we can all agree that honesty is one of the keystone values that parents need to teach their kids. Especially when it comes…
How To Build Independence In Your Stepdaughter
Independence is an important life skill to learn, and it’s never too early to start. It is essentially the gateway to confidence and when combined,…
Second Marriage With Stepchildren
Whether it has been six months or six years, the impact of a divorce can have a lasting impact on children. As a stepparent, it…
Who Comes First In a Blended Family?
Blended families are tricky. Every member of the blended family is in a new environment where they do not know their place yet. It is…