Parenting is hard. We need all the help we can get. For some of us new parents out there a parenting class could really help us improve our ability to raise mature and responsible adults.
Most places want to charge you a leg and an arm for a decent parenting
class. To save you a few hundred dollars, here are some free online parenting classes for new parents.
Up To Parents Free Online Parenting Class
This course by Up To Parents is hands down the best course for single, divorced, and separated parents.
When a family is broken up, the reality is children suffer the most. This free online parenting class helps parts continue building a bond with their child after the bond with their partner ceases to exist.
This course walks you through a step by step guide to helping your children develop into the mature responsible adults we know they can be.
There is no exact structure of the course. There are modules in which you can complete at your own time. Simply log in to their platform and start learning more about how to be a better parent.
Especially during separation kids need to be the priority.
Although this course is specifically tailored for separated or single parents, I’ve been able to learn so much even with a two parent household.
Whether you and your partner are separated or you are raising a child alone, you should check out Up to Parents free online parenting course.

Udemy Parenting Master Class
This parenting master class on Udemy offers free coaching on how to raise children that are winners.
What many parents don’t know is that the way they raise their children will have a significant impact on their success as adults. This parenting class coaches parents to raise their kids in a certain way that increases their chances of becoming successful formidable adults.
A large majority of parents look over some of the critical lessons that will directly correlate to the level of success your child achieves when they become an adult. Lessons like confidence and conflict resolution are critical when it comes to raising a child that is going to achieve great things.

Kids First Now Free Online Parenting Class for New Parents
Kids First Now provides comprehensive Zoom classes about the best way to raise children of all ages. There are a variety of courses depending on where you are in your parenting journey.
The theme of the course is that we need to put the children first and our interests second. Although this sounds pretty obvious you’d be surprised at the number of activities you engage in on a daily basis that are in your best interest and not your child.
Depending on the age of your child, there are three different courses to sign up for.
Cooperative Parenting and Divorce
This 8 week course is specifically designed for parents that are learning the ins and outs of raising a child out of a divorced marriage.
This course has been known as a wake-up call for parents all around the country. The course runs from June 30th to August 18th. If you’ve missed this year’s course be sure to sign up so that you do not miss it next year.
The Incredible Years
The incredible years is a parenting course for children between the ages of 2-12. The course covers all the details of raising children at that age. From how to make sure they perform well academically to how to deal with emotional and aggressive behavior.
This course is 12 weeks long and runs from August 4th to October 20 also held via Zoom conference calls.
Active Parenting of Teens
The last parenting course offered by Kids First Now is their active parenting of teens class. This class is specially designed for parents of teens.
Teenage years are the most difficult and complicated time as a parent. This class helps you navigate the ins and outs of parenting teenagers. Whether your child is about to become a teen or approaching the end of their teenage years, this course is designed to help you create a responsible and productive adult.

EDX Developmental Psychology Class
This class by EDX focuses more on the developmental psychology of your child rather than on practical skills. This free online parenting class is great for getting an overview of how your actions as a parent affect the development of your child.
This 9 weeks course only requires a couple of hours each week to complete. If you are interested in learning more about how your child is developing and what you can do to aid in their development process, this class is a must.

Final Thoughts
Parenting is most likely the most important thing we are going to do in our lives. It only makes sense to want to take parenting classes to make you a better parent.
If money is tight, these free online parenting classes for new parents are a great resource to get the training you need to do the best job possible for the most important job you’re ever going to have in your life, being a parent.