How to Tell if You Have a Gifted Preschooler

As children grow they start to show interest in various activities that stand out and can’t be ignored. We can not help but wonder whether they are gifted. I guess that’s the time they start discovering their true self and it’s time as parents to be more attentive and nurture their talents. Most parents probably wonder how to decide if their child is gifted. The answer to this is not as simple as most think.

During your preschooler’s playtime, look out for preferences in the toys and games they enjoy playing the most. Often we have been told that Kids who enjoy reading and have excellent memory are the gifted ones. On the contrary, this is just one indicator of gifting in a child. Other children show off athletic abilities, love for cooking, music, and many other things. Such are gifts as well and should be considered.

Normally at ages below three, it can be hard to tell what your child is interested in. The best times to look out for early signs are usually around five years and above. Prior to that time, it’s essential to expose toddlers to many things so their gifts can start showing earlier. Sometimes as parents we get so caught up with our own lives and forget that children at the early stages need all the guidance and support in order for them to discover themselves. Sometimes teenagers and adults notice that they went through a path that they may not have preferred even though they had the potential and talent to achieve a much more desirable outcome. The more you read about gifted children and the concept of gifting, the easier it will become for you to recognize your own child’s special talents

Traits and Characteristics

The common misuse of the word gifting to describe intellectually smart children has lead to many believing that if their child doesn’t show certain traits then they are either average or talentless. Such a way of seeing gifting is inconclusive. I believe gifted is an umbrella term for not only academy intelligence but also sports, cooking, fashion and a whole lot of things that interest and come innately. If you are usually around your young ones most of your day,they are a couple of easy ways to put them to the test and figure out where they’re best interests and abilities lie.

Consider partaking in many activities with them around the home There’s a program I usually do at my home with my children ages 5 and 3 years. I call it explore week.

Here’s how to implement explorer week.

Join them in doing different activities. Start them in the kitchen cook up a few meals as well as baking. On the second day do some painting and various art work there’s plenty ideas I usually Impliment from here. On the third day play a few sporting activities. Some 30minute soccer, basketball, tennis or anything that comes to mind. One forth day take them for some swimming down by the local pool or if you already have a pool at home that works best aswell

When the week has passed ask them to score the different activities to see which ones they love the most.Disclaimer these sort of activities are not intended to showcase how good they are in certain activitiess but to show us we’re their particular interests lie.During your explorer week get a close look at what they seems to do better or know better in order to get a good idea of what they are talented. that could easily help parents in directing their children’s talents in a certain direction and later pursue those specialities later.

When my oldest son was just a little boy, aged 5 years old, I carried out these same activities, he scored soccer 80 out of 100. I later invested in some soccer lessons for him to get better. We were able to get him to rank as one of the best soccer players in his school, after lots of practice.

Give them time
Some preschoolers are late bloomers and sometimes it so happens they are not showing any traited of being interested in any thing.All children are different. Most talents are not visible at an early age but kids who are intellectually gift usually show early signs. From the time they are 6months they show fastness,seem more alert. As they grow they develop big vocabulary which most kids at that age don’t have. They enjoy puzzles and anything book related.If you happen to have a preschooler with this behaviour, consider your child an intellectual. Get them more acquainted with scholarly interests.

Often parents try their hardest to, get children interested in the stuff they love, so they can have something to bond with them. It may seem like a great idea at first but it could lead to them later hating the activity or feel under lots of pressure to please their parents. Listening and watching what they seem to be more interested in is a better approach. Get them more engaged in things they enjoy. Try to bond with them using their interests.